I hope you are finding a way to stay cool during this persistent heat wave. Fingers crossed we get through this summer without any wildfires.
We are renaming what used to be Ranch Riding to Working Ranch Riding. It will use a AQHA Ranch Riding pattern with a couple of Working Equitation elements thrown in for fun.
We are announcing a new class, Ranch Rail, which has proved very popular in the Trail & Saddle Club’s Playday Schooling Shows. It is a walk/trot/lope group class with two divisions: Amateur and Youth. Ranch Rail emphasizes forward and purposeful movement, and is rooted in the practical movements that a horse might perform while working on a ranch. The class would be scheduled for Saturday.
See our Schedule page for more info.
We are happy to announce that Billy Cochrane of Sanger, CA will be judging our Ranch Cutting class. For a look at our draft schedule with judge assignments, click here.
We expect to open entries on August 10.
Thank you,
Susan Bancroft and the Roundup Committee